Writing gawk programs

(Author: Roland Rashleigh-Berry                                                                             Date: 06 Feb 2007)


The “gawk” utility is a very powerful stream editor that has built-in programming constructs. By “stream editor” is meant that you do not see the file you are editing on a screen and make changes or additions to it there. Rather it runs through the file line by line and makes appropriate changes and you do not see anything on a screen except the output, if it is directed to a terminal. It is like “sed” but much more powerful and useful. Another thing about it is you have an optional “begin” and “end” section where you can do things before you start reading a file and also after you have finished reading it. This makes it especially suitable for some tasks. One such task that comes to mind is for converting a text file to a postscript file. There already exist utilities that do this, but you can use gawk to do this yourself and get it to do exactly what you want. The focus of this document is the techniques you have to know to do this task.

Awk, nawk and gawk

Gawk is a GNU implementation of the original utility “awk”. “GNU” stands for “GNU’s Not Unix” and “gawk” stands for “GNU awk”. GNU is an open source project such that the code is freely available. “nawk” stands for “new awk” and was a later version of “awk”. “nawk” and “gawk” are very similar, but because gawk is free, then it is preferred to nawk.

The Author’s web site

One of the original authors of “gawk”, who once had his very own version of awk called “mawk”, is now the only maintainer of gawk and he has his own web site devoted to gawk here where you can find “The GNU Awk User’s Guide”. This is your definitive reference source for this utility. You should bookmark this page if you intend to use gawk. This is a very long document but you should consider reading it through from beginning to end so that you get the author’s same insight into the purpose of the language and the way he uses it.


There is a more detailed reference by the same author, that you can refer to, but the above link will be easier for starting out with gawk. The site below is spread over many pages and searching the site is difficult. You have to use the “Index” link, at the top of the page, for searching (do not use the “Search” facility at the top of the page, as this searches the entire web site).


What gawk isn’t

In reading the author’s guide to gawk and perhaps other books and sources, you might get the idea that it is a comprehensive database language that will one day become widely accepted and used. This will never be the case. The clearest indication of this is that it can not read or write floating point numbers in internal format and so could never be a serious database language. It was designed as a powerful stream editor with an inbuilt programming language and you should accept it as such. If you read the entire web site, you will see that there is a great deal to learn. Although you should be aware of its capabilities, you will need to concentrate on its capabilities as a stream editor and make sure you can put those capabilities into practise.

How to run gawk

If you are writing shell scripts, then there are different ways to run gawk. You would normally have a bash shell script that calls gawk. You should stick with that method.

Another way to run gawk is to call it directly. Just as you have “#!/bin/bash” as the first line of your script, you can instead have “#!/usr/local/bin/gawk –f “ as your first line. This would then run gawk instead of bash and gawk would expect all the lines that follow in the file to be a valid gawk program. But if you did that you would probably need to check the arguments supplied to the gawk program but you would have to do that using the gawk language itself. Maybe you will have to handle options as well. There is no point learning a second way to do this if you already know how to do it in a bash shell script.

The third way to run gawk is to call it from a bash script but put the gawk code itself in a separate file something like this:
gawk -f gawkprog file1 file2

The trouble with the above is that if the gawk code is complicated enough to put in a separate file, then it is likely that you will be passing parameters to it when you call gawk. If the parameters are not only listed in the call to gawk but in the gawk code itself then it could be very confusing. So it is better to put the gawk code inline where you can see it, even if it is complicated.

A working gawk script

When you first start writing gawk programs, you get frustrated by the syntax. It is even more difficult than the syntax of shell scripts. You will get error messages and not understand what is causing the error. This is a major hurdle to get over. You may feel you can never get gawk to work for you. Many people try and give up. But here is a working gawk program that you can try out yourself and it will be fully explained.

gawk '
# Begin block - initialise page count to 1
BEGIN {pages=1}

# ======== Main code block start ========

# A form feed character in position one 
# indicates the first line of a new page
if (index($0,"\f")==1)
  ls=length($0)-1  # subtract 1 so we do not count the form feed
  pages++          # increment the page count
  if (lines > maxps ) 
    maxps=lines    # set maxps (maximum number of lines on a page)
  lines=1          # reset line count to 1 for first line on new page
# Any other line
  lines++          # increment the line count

# Set maximum line size
if (ls>maxls)
  maxls=ls         # set maxls (maximum line size)

# ======== End of main code block ========

# End block - print results
if (lines > maxps ) 
  maxps=lines    # set maxps (maximum number of lines on a page)
print maxls, maxps, pages
}' "$1"

The input file

What the above script does is find the maximum line size, the maximum page size and the number of pages in a listing and print the results at the end. The file it is working on is the first parameter, $1, which you will find in double quotes right at the end (it is always a good idea to have parameter values and variable values in quotes if there is any possibility that the value might contain a space – this does not only apply to gawk). Gawk can accept standard input coming from a pipe, as you will know from reading the “Common Unix Commands” document. If coming from a file, then the file is put at the end of the call to gawk as is shown above.


Note that the code that gawk is running is all enclosed in single quotes. Look directly after the call to gawk and right at the end just before “$1”. Single quotes! You have to remember this. If the code were in a file and we used the “-f” option to fetch the file then we would not need to use single quotes. But if the program is inline, as it is above, then we must use single quotes. Now this is going to give us a problem in most gawk programs where we reference external parameters and variables. If we use these inside these programs then we have to remember that this single quote at the start and end might stop the references being resolved. This is one reason people give up on gawk (or awk or nawk). Try out this command:
var='hello world'; echo message: | gawk '{print $0, "'"$var"'"}'

The above command includes a tiny program that references an external variable “var”. gawk references its internal variable $0 easily (it means the whole input line) but the external variable reference has to be wrapped in quotes in the way shown. If we knew for sure that the value assigned to “var” would never include a space then it would be simpler, as shown below.
var=1234; echo message: | gawk '{print $0, "'$var'"}'

Hopefully you have tried out both these examples in your terminal window and you now know it works, even if it looks messy. Fortunately, there is a much easier way to give this value to gawk. Try out the following command:
echo message: | gawk '{print $0, var}' var=1234

The above has the same effect. The variable “var” becomes a gawk internal variable. Note that “var” inside the gawk program does not have a dollar in front of it. Also, the value of “var”, passed in this way, will not be available in the BEGIN block. Its value will only be correct in the main code block or the END block.

Now try this command:
echo "hello world" | gawk '{print $0, var}' var=2

…and compare it with this command where “var” has a dollar in front:
echo "hello world" | gawk '{print $0, $var}' var=2

In the second command, you get a repeat of the word “world” because “var” has the value “2” and so “$var” is the same as “$2” which means the second field in the input line which is “world” because the default field separation character is a space.

Now you have seen some important information about quoting and passing values to gawk programs so hopefully you will not be too troubled by it in the future.

Curly brackets

The most fundamental thing to know about gawk is that it works in this way:

' pattern-or-expression { action } '

If the pattern is found or the expression is true then the action in curly brackets is performed. If no action is specified then the action defaults to “{ print $0}”. If no pattern or expression is specified then the action will be done for every line of input.

Here is something for you to try out. Go to a directory where you know you have programs written using SAS® software where some of them have a “proc print” in it. Try out the following commands to convince yourself that the results are the same:
gawk '/proc print/' *.sas
gawk '/proc print/ {print $0}' *.sas
gawk '$0 ~ /proc print/' *.sas
gawk '$0 ~ "proc print"' *.sas
gawk 'index($0,"proc print")' *.sas
gawk 'index($0,"proc print") { print $0 }' *.sas
gawk '{if (index($0,"proc print")>0) {print $0}}' *.sas
gawk '{if (index($0,"proc print")) print $0}' *.sas

All the above commands give the same result. The things to note are that you put regular expressions in // brackets and you put strings in double quotes. No action specified defaults to printing out the whole input line. You can use functions like “index” as part of the pattern-or-expression as well as in the action. The “if” statement must be used inside the “action” curly brackets. Curly brackets within curly brackets can be used for grouping commands together. “If” tests must be enclosed in round brackets. Like SAS software, “true” for gawk is any number greater than 0, hence the index() function, that exists in both languages, can be used in the same way (note that, in contrast, “0” means true for the bash shell language).

Curly brackets are very important for “if” statements. If you have more than one line of code that you want to perform if a condition is met (or not met) then you must enclose them in curly brackets. If you forget to do this then only the following line is under control of the “if” statement and the line after that will get performed in all cases. This is something people forget to tell you about. Even the author seems to forget this on his web site.

BEGIN and END blocks

As well as the “pattern-or-expression { action }” construct there are “BEGIN” and “END” actions for before the file is read and after it is read. You will see that used in the code. So fundamentally, gawk works like this:
gawk '
[ BEGIN {action} ]
pattern-or-expression {action}
[ pattern-or-expression {action} ]
[ END {action} ]
' file1 file2

…but please note that I have used square brackets above to show that some things are optional. It does not mean you should use square brackets in your code. Also there can be multiple “pattern-or-expression” and these will be done for every input line that matches. If you use more than one then you might get duplicate output when an input line matches more than one pattern.

Only one “pattern or expression” was used in the example of a working gawk script. Have a look at it again and spot the curly brackets for the “BEGIN” block, the “END” block and the main block. Look for the other curly brackets and see how they are used to group multiple statements in the “if / else” condition. Note that they are not used for two “if” conditions because there was only one line of code it applied to and so curly brackets were not needed.

Program layout

Another thing to note is that blank lines and comments are allowed in gawk code. This makes the code easier to follow. Because curly brackets can cause so many syntax errors, it would be a good idea to put if/else curly brackets on their own lines. For multi-line “actions”, opening curly brackets should directly follow the “pattern or expression” and the ending curly bracket should be on its own line. If you do this then your code will be much easier for you and others to understand.

Initialising variables

There is no need to initialise number variables to 0 in the BEGIN block. This will be done automatically for you. In the above working example, pages=1 in the BEGIN block because it needs to be initialised to 1 and not 0.

Comparing floating point numbers

Floating point number comparison is difficult in bash because it only deals with integers. People use “bc” for floating point arithmetic. But with “bc” it is not easy to compare two floating point values. You have to subtract one from another and check using pattern matching to see if it starts with a minus sign. This is not very intuitive. But gawk has no problem with floating point numbers. The trick is to get the numbers into gawk. Here is a simple gawk program to compare two numbers and return a string saying what it found. It uses the positional parameters $1 and $2. Note how they are referenced in gawk. Also note that gawk expects some sort of input like a file. But we are not using to read a file or anything else. However, since we are just using a BEGIN block, which is handled before any input is read, it does not get as far as expecting a file.
gawk 'BEGIN {
# force the parameters to be numeric by adding 0
if (("'$1'"+0) > ("'$2'"+0))
  print "GT"
  if (("'$1'"+0) == ("'$2'"+0))
    print "EQ"
    print "LT"

Note that 0 is being added to the input parameters. This is because gawk will expect the values to be strings. You have to force gawk to treat them as numbers and adding 0 to them will achieve that. Always be on the lookout for this feature of gawk, if you are doing numeric comparisons.

”=” vs. “==”

There is a big difference between “=” and “==” in gawk. The first is for assignment and the second is for comparison. To illustrate this, try out this example. It will give a list of fonts and their classification.
cat /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.dir

The 12th field, as defined by using “-“ as field separators, will be “m” for mono-spaced fonts and “p” for proportional fonts. List out only the mono-spaced fonts like this:
cat /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.dir | awk -F- '$12 == "m"'

You will see that those with an “m” in a certain position have been selected. Now do the same with a single “=” like this:
cat /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.dir | awk -F- '$12 = "m"'

This time you get a huge list with no “-“s and all with an “m” in the same position. The “=” does an assignment. It puts an “m” in the 12th field position and writes out the new line. And in writing out the new line it uses its default “output field separator” (OFS) of a space and so you do not get any hyphens. You can specify the OFS to be a hyphen like this:
cat /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/fonts.dir | awk -F- '$12 = "m"' OFS=-

…and so you will get the hyphens used as field separators again, but the point is that “=” is for setting a value while “==” is for comparing values. This is true for many computer languages.

Gawk arrays

Arrays in gawk are very strange in that they are not only indexed by number, they can be indexed by strings. In fact they are always indexed by strings, since if they are numbers then they are automatically converted to a string. This opens up new possibilities for programming. Here is a sample program that accepts input from the keyboard and at the end, prints out a count of the actual words you used (it is case sensitive). To explain, if you typed in the word “and” in a line then it would update an array element like this “freq[and]++” (there is nothing special about using the name “freq” for the array).

Try creating a bash script with the following code in it. Invoke the script and type in lines of words and press Enter to submit them. Use Cntl-D to finish input and to see the results.
gawk '
# Print list of word frequencies
    for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)

    for (word in freq)
        printf "%s\t%d\n", word, freq[word]

Here is an explanation of the code. Firstly, there is no input file so it takes input from “standard input” which is the terminal. Next, notice the first “for” loop. You have three elements, separated by semicolons. The first element is the initial statement, the second is the conditional that must be satisfied for the loop to continue and the third is the action taken each time. So it starts by setting “i” to 1 and will continue to loop while I is less than or equal to the number of fields in the input record and it will add 1 to “i” each time it executed the loop. The first “for” statement perform the following line. Since there is only one line there is no need to enclose it in curly brackets but if it was supposed to do more than one line then you would have to enclose them in curly brackets. Looking at the line the first “for” loop is executing we see that the array “freq” (there is nothing special about the name) is having its “$i”th element incremented. Firstly, there is no need to initialise any variable in gawk. This gets done for you. And note that it is the “$i”th element being incremented and not the “i”th element.  In other words, it is not a numbered element being incremented but rather the element corresponding to the “i”th field in the input line. This could be a word like “and”. The input line is referred to as $0 and to have fields $1, $2, $3 etc. up to the maximum number of fields that is stored in the internal variable NF. The default field separator (again an internal variable FS) is a space and so the first word on a line is field one ($1) and the second word on a line is field two ($2) etc.. So if you typed in the line “the quick fox” then one would get added to freq[the], one would get added to freq[quick] and one would get added to freq[fox]. If you have worked with numbered arrays for a long time, then having strings as indices takes a lot of getting used to. Gawk arrays are known as “associative arrays”, since they associate one value with another value. Associative arrays are also known as “hashes” to distinguish them from the more usual arrays that are indexed by number. The term “hash” comes from “hash tables”, used in older programming languages to associate one value with another. Gawk arrays can be multidimensional as well, using the “array[y,x]” notation.

Lastly, there is the “END” block. This will get done at the end of input, which is signified by a Cntl-D in the first position. Since arrays work in such a different way in gawk, then we need a different way to refer to all the elements so this is done using “for (word in freq)” (there is nothing special about the word “word” used in the context just as there is nothing special about the array name “freq”). This gets each element value in turn (in whatever order it is stored internally) and places it in the variable “word”. So the last line prints out this value, followed by a tab, and then the frequency count of that element.

User-defined functions

If you write complex programs using gawk you are almost certain to need user-defined functions so that you can call the same code from more than one place or just to make the code more understandable. User-defined functions have named parameters. Also, there is no such thing as a local variable in a function (unless you use an awk implementation named “tawk”). Since local variables are often desirable, then a trick to get round this problem is to include them as parameters that never get used since parameters are effectively local variables. By convention, these extra variables are listed after the true parameters, separated by a number of spaces.

You would normally declare user-defined functions before your “BEGIN” block or your main block. Here is a gawk program that attempts to translate special characters into their octal code as well as prefixing left and right round brackets with an escape slash. Note that one of the functions has to be run before anything else to initialise an array.
#!/usr/local/bin/gawk -f

function _ord_init (    i,t)
for (i=0; i<=255; i++) 
  t = sprintf("%c", i)

function ord (char)
return _ord_[char]

function Clean7Bit (str,   i,newstr1,newstr2,bite,num)
newstr2= ""
for (i=1; i<=length(newstr1); i++)
  if ((num>=27 && num<=126) || num==9 || num==10 || num==13)
    newstr2=newstr2 bite
    newstr2=newstr2 sprintf("\\%o",num)
  return newstr2

BEGIN  { _ord_init()

for (;;) 
printf("enter a string: ")
if (getline string <= 0) 
printf("%s\n",  Clean7Bit(string))


Here is an explanation of the code:

Firstly, note from the very first line, that this is not a shell script. It is a gawk script. Gawk residing in the /usr/local/bin directory is being called to run the code and the “-f” option tells gawk that this is a program file. Most examples you will see, call bash and then gawk gets called from within the bash script. This one is different to show you an example of another way to run gawk programs.

Note that the first function named “_ord_init” has two local variables “i” and “t”. The space in front of them indicates that they are local variables, although it does not stop them from being parameters. There are no parameters to this function. Its purpose is to initialise an array named _ord_, hence its name. If you look down to the BEGIN block then you will see this function being called at the start of processing. Looking at the code inside the function you will see that the number from 0 to 255 is being formatted using “%c” to give the character that would appear on screen corresponding to that ascii code number. “sprintf” is used for this. It differs from “printf” in that it does not actually print the result to standard output but rather just returns what it would have printed. So this character that would appear on the screen is used as the index to the array and the number itself is the element value. We can then use it to return the numeric value of a character like a letter. The next function declared does that.

If you look at the “ord” function you will see that it does have a parameter named “char” and there are no local variables declared after the parameter. It “returns” the corresponding numeric value for the ascii character supplied as a parameter by using the _ord_ array. Note that the array is called “_ord_” and not ord. There is a reason for this. One is that you can not have a function called “ord” and another entity like an array called “ord” at the same time. But the most important reason the array is called “_ord_” is because, by convention, if data is to be shared between functions, then it is customary to start the name with an underscore. It does not matter much with this small program, but at some stage you might want to place your user-defined functions in a library and then we have to think carefully about how we name entities that hold data that other functions rely on. So information held in functions that other functions need are, by convention, started with an underscore. This is so that when you write a main program the names do not get confused. Of course, in a main program, you should not use names that start with an underscore, or the advantage is lost.

The next declared function “Clean7Bit” does the most work. It has one parameter and 5 local variables. The first thing it does is to make sure newstr2 is set to null. It is going to append onto this later in the function and we want to make sure nobody has called this function with values supplied to the local variables and maybe given this a value, or we will end up adding on to the end of whatever is already there. This is of course possible, since these are effectively parameters, so we must ensure that if this happens then it has no effect on the result. The next thing it does is make a copy of the input value into newstr1. This is because it is going to use “gsub” (global substitution) to change “(“ to “\(“ and “)” to “\)”. “gsub” changes the string input to it and this is why it made a copy. The first parameter for “gsub” is the regular expression which is put between forward slashes. The next parameter is the replacement string. The third parameter is the variable that contains the string (if you miss off this third parameter then it acts on the entire input line $0). Next, with the round brackets with an escape character in front, it checks every character in the string one at a time to see what its numeric value is. For those in the correct range it builds up newstr2 by adding the single character contents of “bite” onto the end (note that to concatenate you just state the variables one after the other with no comma between them) but for those out of range it adds the octal representation of the number escaped with a backslash in front (note that in code, when you want a single backslash you often have to put two of them together to say you really mean a backslash). Then right at the end of the function the value of newstr2 is “returned”.

Lastly is the BEGIN loop. This is where the processing starts since the functions are only definitions. The function code doesn’t run until they are called. First the “_ord_init “ function is called (with no parameters) to initialise the “_ord_” array. Then there is an empty “for” loop (i.e there is no start, conditional or action defined so that the separating semicolons are on their own) which will loop forever. Fortunately, not forever, as if a “break” is encountered then the loop is broken out of. So the user is prompted to supply a string and it returns the results of calling the “Clean7Bit” function. It does this until the user breaks out of the loop by ending input with Cntl-D (“getline” will have a value of 0 when this happens). Note the “\n” in the “printf” inbuilt function to throw a new line. This is something that is easy to forget. But if you can remember that “printf” is the visible version of “sprintf” which is used to store values rather than display them, then just as you would not want a new-line character at the end of that then nor do you get one by default with “printf”.

Searching for strings in files

Gawk’s string searching capabilities are very good. If you can combine this with the programming capabilities, then searching for strings in files is made easy. The following gawk program is for searching through a table or a listing to extract the table/listing number and also the title on the next line (if there is one) and to display them together. The program will stop reading the file as soon as it has this information.
gawk '
# Begin block - set gotitle to not found

# ======== Main code block start ========

# Extract the title or listing identity if encountered first time
# and extract the following title as well on the following line
if (gotitle==0 && match(tolower($0),/listing [^ ]*|table [^ ]*/))
  if (justfound==1)
    where=match($0,/[^ ].*[^ ]/)
    if (where)

if (gotitle==1 && justfound==0) exit

# ======== End of main code block ========

# End block - print results
END {print title, title2}' "$1"

Note the use of the inbuilt “match” function. The second argument to it is a regular expression that is put in “/” slashes. You can use a “|” inside this regular expression as an “or” symbol as has been done to identifx either “table” or “listing”. Note that the inbuilt “tolower” function is used to search for “table” or “listing” in the lower-case version of the input line. If “match” finds a match with the regular expression, then the longest regular expression possible is matched, not the shortest one. It is looking for “listing” followed by a space followed by zero or more characters that are not a space. The same for “table”. “match” sets the internal variables RSTART and RLENGTH. If there is no match then RSTART=0 and RLENGTH=-1.  But if a match is found then RSTART will be the first position in the string where the match is found and RLENGTH will be the length of the match. These can be used to substring the input line, as is done in the code. Variables are set if a match is found so that the code will search the following line for the next title. It is looking for a non-space followed by zero or more characters and ending with a non-space. If it has found what it wants then it uses the settings of “gotitle” and “justfound” to exit. If it exits in the main code block, then it still performs the END block where it displays the result of its searches. An “exit” in a BEGIN or END block results in immediate termination.

igawk and a function library

“igawk” is a shell program that runs gawk but with a bit of useful pre-processing. The “i” stands for “include”. What you will find, if you write a lot of gawk programs, is that you keep needing the same user-defined functions in different programs. You can, of course, copy them from program to program, but it would be better if you kept them together in a library of gawk functions and then “include” them into your gawk program. “igawk” achieves just this. It uses the system environment variable AWKPATH to search for files you want to include. If it has not been set up then it will search in the current directory first and then the /usr/local/share/awk directory.

Functions tend to belong together and will maybe rely on each other. If so, then it makes sense to keep them together in one file. For example, the following is a file names “strconv.awk” containing string conversion functions that are not available to gawk. If you are using “igawk” then these functions will be available to you if found on the AWKPATH and asked for in the igawk program using:

@include strconv.awk
#================= strconv.awk -- String Conversion Functions ==================
# Author : Roland Rashleigh-Berry
# Date   : 19-Mar-2004
#---name---  ---------------------------description-----------------------------
# _ord_init  Initialises an array used by the ord() function
# ord        Equates a supplied character with a decimal ascii number
# chr        Equates a decimal ascii number with a character
# clean7bit  Converts a supplied string to PostScript Clean7Bit format
# init --date-- mod-id --------------------description--------------------------

# Extra BEGIN block required to initialise the _ord_ array. Note that
# you can have multiple BEGIN blocks in a gawk program. They are executed
# in the order encountered.
BEGIN { _ord_init() }

# Initialises the _ord_ array which is needed by the ord() function
function _ord_init (    i,t)
# fill up the array
for (i=0; i<=255; i++) 
  t = sprintf("%c", i)

# Equate a character with the ascii decimal number
function ord (char)
# Return the array entry. Use only the first character
# in case a string longer than one character was supplied
return _ord_[substr(char,1,1)]

# Equate a decimal ascii number with a character
function chr (num)
# force num to be numeric by adding 0
return sprintf("%c", num + 0)

# Convert a string to PostScript Clean7Bit format
function clean7bit (str,   i,newstr1,newstr2,bite,num)
for (i=1; i<=length(newstr1); i++)
  if ((num>=27 && num<=126) || num==9 || num==10 || num==13)
    newstr2=newstr2 bite
    newstr2=newstr2 sprintf("\\%o",num)
  return newstr2

A word of warning -- if you convert a gawk program to an “igawk” program so that it can call user-defined functions in this way then there is something you have got to keep in mind. That is “igawk” generates a new gawk program with the “includes” expanded out. In so doing it can “use up” some of the escape slashes “\” in your original program when it generates the new code. You may have to add extra pairs of these to the program you have changed to run under “igawk” to keep it working the same way. These escape slashes will continue to plague you throughout your career of writing gawk programs. In the end, you will know where to look for trouble.

Do not put too many functions in the one file. Just include those functions that belong together. Name the file in such a way that can describe what these functions do just as the name “strconv” was used in the above example for “string conversion” functions. Make sure that any variables or arrays that need to be kept in the functions start with an underscore so that they do not get confused with variables in gawk programs that might call these functions.

There are more conventions you should stick to, apart from having shared entities starting with an underscore. The functions should always have lower-case names. In some cases you might need functions that return a value to the calling program. These would then be global variables. Starting names with an underscore only belongs to communication between functions. For communicating back to the calling program using global variables you should start the variable name with a capital letter but follow it with lower-case letters. In the main program your variable and array names could be lower case unless it is one of the internal variables which always have upper-case names. If you stick to a convention like this then you will avoid problems.

Note that the code above has a BEGIN block in it. This will not cause a problem to any gawk program that “includes” this code since you can have multiple BEGIN (and also END) blocks in a gawk program. They get executed in the order encountered. Sometimes you will need to call a function in a BEGIN block, as is done above, to run a function that other functions depend on.


Hopefully this page has given you a good introduction to gawk. There is a script needed by Spectre to extract titles from report output named "getitles" that is mainly written in gawk. Hopefully, after working through this page, you will be able to make sense of the code. You can link to this script below.


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