%npcttab design specification

(Author: Roland Rashleigh-Berry                                                            Date: 03 Jun 2006)


This document specifies the programming design for the %npcttab macro. An overview of what the macro does is on the page you linked from. If you want to see the macro dependencies then click here.

Design specification

Initial processing on macro invocation:
   Declare local macro variable

Check for enough parameters set:
   (Check all parameters for specification mistakes and report findings and abort at end of checking if an error is found).

Assign parameter defaults:

Store line size:

Add total treatment group:
   Repeat all the input observations for the total treatment group (do whether requested or not)

Create a report for no data:
   If there is no input data then call the macro defined to nodata= to deal with it

Sort input data ready for a filter step (if performed):
   (this will be done if anywhen=after is set)

Filter for anywhen=after:
   (this is not done first time through)

Summarize for events:
   (only done if events=Y)
   Summarize for low level, mid level and high level events

Get rid of duplicates from input data:
   (now we have the event totals we want to drop duplicates for subjects so we get the unique subjects)

Summarize for unique subjects:
   Summarize for low level, mid level and high level events
   Merge in event counts if requested
   Set up an "any low level term" which is really the mid level subject count

Add in the "any low level term":
   Include the "any low level term" with the rest of the low level terms

Create a zero grid of subject count:
   Create zeroes for all subject counts for all combinations

Merge on top of zero values:
   Merge the real subject counts on top of the zero grid

Calculate percentages:
   Calculate percentages based on the population total dataset and set up _str which will have the subject count, percentage and the event count (the latter if requested) 
   Set _str to spaces if the subject count is zero as well as the population total zero

Calculate p-values:
   If requested, call %npctpvals to calculate p-values

Transpose the datasets:
   Transpose all the datasets using the treatment arm as the ID value
   Merge the separate transposed dataset back together and add the pvalue dataset if created

minpct= and mincount= processing:
   (If either of these is set then filter according to the value specified. Filtering is done against the treatment arm value defined to trtord= which be default is the total of all treatment arms).

minpctany= and mincountany= processing:
   (If either of these is set then filter according to the value specified. This applies to all treatment arms).

anywhen=after processing:
   (If anywhen=Y then from the data we have left, create a summary dataset with just those terms in so we can select the input data with only those terms).
   Branch to the filter step above ("Filter for anywhen=after")

Add default high level ordering variable if none specified (the inverse of the count):

Add default mid level ordering variable if none specified (the inverse of the count):

Add default low level ordering variable if none specified (the inverse of the count):

Set default level ordering variables:

Calculate report width:

Limit the length of the high and mid level character variables:
   (this is done because these values are shown across the page of the report and are not allowed to flow. If they are too long then "proc report" will refuse to show them).

Produce the report:

Delete temporary datasets:

Exit %npcttab:


This concludes the programming design specification for the %npcttab macro.
Check here for level and and also set
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