Validation Resources

(Author: Roland Rashleigh-Berry                                                                Date: 24 Aug 2015)


This page contain some resources for the validation of Spectre. Note the word resources is used. What you will find on this page is not a recommendation for how to validate Spectre. Instead you will find my thinking and some code that you may or may not wish to use as a basis for your validation effort. You should follow your own procedures to do the validation of Spectre. Hopefully you have Standard Operating Procedures to cover this activity. If you don't then you will have to create a validation plan and stick to it and provide full documentation to prove that this plan was carried out to successful conclusion. But again, I can not recommend how this should be done.

Spectre will only be able to deliver its full potential as a fast and efficient reporting system when it has been validated. Compared to a situation where no standard reporting macros exist, you should find that it greatly speeds up the production of tables. What it does not speed up is the validation of these tables. Validation of tables will become the new bottleneck once you have Spectre installed and running, until you can validate the system. But having a validated system will not save you all the validation work, the work will merely shift into parameter checking, data selection checking and perhaps code review. But this should be a lot faster than double programming table output.

Validated vs. non-validated

What I will recommend is that you do validate the system, in particular the two major reporting macros %unistats and %npcttab. I will give my reasoning here for your consideration.

Testing vs. no testing

Some of the components of Spectre are not on the critical path of producing output for submission to regulatory agencies. This applies to every utility script that is not flagged as being a "production" script in the header and it applies to some macros as well. For example, %complibs is used to compare libraries of SAS® datasets. It is not used in a production run to produce reports. It is itself a "validation" macro. Just as you don't validate your validation code you use to double program tables then I would suggest you do not need to validate a macro such as this. So my suggestion is to not bother to validate anything not flagged as being "production" in the header. Of course, this is a suggestion only and not a recommendation. For the scripts and macros marked "production", then there are two approaches you can take to testing them, as will be explained.

Black box testing vs. white box testing

If you test the functionality of a system without regards to the internals of a system then this is known as "functionality testing" or "black box testing". It is known as "black box" testing because you can't or don't look inside of it. If you know about the internals of a system and you test these internal components then this is known as "white box testing", "glass box testing", "structural testing", "clear box testing", "open box testing" plus a number of other terms. With "white box" testing you can see inside of it, you know its structure, and you test the things you can see. My suggestion is that you differentiate between the values shown in reports (in the data area) and the running, layout, collection, conversion to PDFs and delivery of the reports themselves. For the values you see in reports (in the data area - not page numbers, for example) my suggestion is to use both "white box testing" and "black box testing". For things not related to the values in reports to use "black box testing" only. If you have used Spectre to report a study then you will soon know if Spectre is failing to run some programs it should have run or failed to incorporate all the reports it should have done in the PDF. The script "titlesvsbkmarks" is run against the collection of PDFs and it will identify any table/appendix reference numbers that are missing from the PDF bookmarks. So just by using Spectre to report a study and by people confirming that all the reports are present in the PDFs then some "black box" testing has been done even if you didn't realize it and you didn't document it. Perhaps checking this and documenting your findings could be part of the "black box" testing that would form part of your validation effort. But again, this is a suggestion and not a recommendation.

Testing %unistats and %npcttab

My suggestion for these two macros is to use both "white box" and "black box" testing. "Black Box" testing could be done along the lines as the demonstrations shown in the introductory pages for %unistats and %npcttab. "White box" testing could be performed on these macros by testing the components of %unistats and %npcttab to ensure those components are working as they should, and then perhaps more detailed testing could be done with those components working together. Of the two macros, %unistats will take longer to validate as it has far more functionality. If you decide to do "white box" testing of these two macros then you will need to test the low level sub macros they use. This is discussed in the next section.

Low level macro testing

This is a good point to explain how I go about writing macros such as %unistats and %npcttab because I think this reasoning should reflect on the way they are tested. When I think about writing a complex macro, I know that I will not be able to write it as a single macro. Large single macros are very difficult to write mainly because they are especially difficult to debug. The messages you get about macro errors often don't tell you much about where it is going wrong so debugging large complex macros can be nearly impossible. So what I do, when I know I have to write a complex macro, is to isolate sub tasks that could be usefully performed by macros, especially if these macros could be used in other complex macros not yet written. I then proceed to write these sub macros and ensure they are working and reliable and then I use these as building blocks in the more complex macros I am trying to write. This may not be the "correct" approach from a "project life cycle" methodology point of view but it is the only way I know of getting the job done. So what I have done over the course of many years (since 1986), is to collect a set of macros that might come in useful when writing more complex macros. You will find this collection on the "sasautos extensions" page of my old web site here. You will also see that most of these macros have simple test packs. These test packs are what I have used to convince myself that the macros are doing what they are supposed to do. So when it comes to testing the complex macros in Spectre, I think it makes sense to follow the same approach that I have taken and validate the sub macros first and the larger macros that call them after this has been done.

What I have done for the low level macro testing for %unistats and %npcttab is to copy the approach I have used on my "sasautos extensions" page and to have test packs for all the low level macros that you can run for yourself, copy and amend to create your own versions of the test code that you feel test the macros sufficiently for validation purposes. Again, this is a suggestion and not a recommendation. You must follow your own test plan and not something I suggest. What you will find on the page you can link to below are the low level macro test packs that I have used and the log or list output, arranged in alphabetical order.

Low level macro test packs

Further testing of %unistats and %npcttab

The low level macros referred to in the last section do not cover the "partner" macros of %unistats and %npcttab. Each has a p-values macro named %unipvals and %npctpvals so that the task of calculating p-values, that might change in the future, is kept separate from the more stable parts of the macro. The same applies to the "partner" macro to %unistats which does the printing in simple cases, named %unicatrep. The intention is that the stable parts can be validated on their own without the "partner" macros. How you do this is up to you. Note that if %unistats is used to produce a dataset instead of a report then there will likely be data manipulation of the output dataset before the report is created, so even if the macro is fully validated you will still have some validation work left to do. You might like to consider validating the macros where this technique is used using "black box" testing and not bothering to validate the way %unistats creates output files in a similar way to the demonstrations given for these two macros.


This page introduced you to some ideas about how to validate Spectre. In the end, it is you who must decide how this is done, and I wish you every success in your endeavours.

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