Why I like Spectre (Clinical)


I thought I would put on this page all the reasons why I like Spectre (Clinical). Obviously, I am going to be biased, as I wrote the system, but I thought it would be useful to have a page where my thinking about this clinical reporting system "shines through" as I feel it is the ideas behind it which make it such a good system and "tuning in" to these ideas might reveal facets of the system design that would otherwise be overlooked.

This page is historic but most of the comments still stand. The Clinical reporting macros are no longer free but the rest of the system is free. Since the following page was written there have been major upgrades to the reporting macros but they still act as a tool to aid programmer creativity rather than as a substitute for their skills.

Below was last updated 20 Jul 2007

What makes Spectre (Clinical) so good


Here, I have set out, and in my personal opinion only, some of my thinking on why Spectre (Clinical) is such a good reporting system.

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